Helical Tieback Anchors
Helical Tieback Anchors provide a superior tieback wall system:
- Immediate loading – no grout cure time
- Typical production rate of 30-40 per day for installing / testing
- No holes to drill
- Cuts labor and equipment costs
- Savings potential while obtaining high anchor load capacities
Solve Construction Problems
- No belled and/or long length grouted bond zones required.
- Anchors transfer load to soil by end bearing, not skin friction, which shortens their length.
- No de-watering for below water-table applications
- Installs in any weather or limited access area
- No drilling or spoils to remove
- Permanent or temporary (removable)
Helical Anchors Applications
- Building site preparation
- Retaining walls
- Roadways
- Levees / Dams
- Earth Retention
- Revetments
- Bulk heads
- Sea walls
- Site development
- Predictable results
- Cost-effective
- Proven engineered system
- Labor-saving – smaller crews
- No pre-drilling
- Site specific to conditions and loads
- Terminations available for various thread bars
- Load transfer by end-bearing, not skin friction
- Extendable with bolted joint connections
- Removable / Reusable